Preventing Abuse is a Shared Responsibility.
ROAR Australia provides education to the community that helps prevent abuse, reduce violence and promote positive health and wellbeing.
Through Professional Development and education programs, ROAR Australia facilitates workshops for:
- Teachers and Educators at Kindergartens, Early Learning Centres and Schools
- Workplaces
- Community and Sporting organisations
- Retirement Villages
- Aged Care services including Residential Aged Care and In-Home services
- Parents/Carers and Families
Choose from one of our many courses or we can customise a program for your specific needs.
Protective Behaviours and Responding to a Disclosure Workshop
2hr PD for Kindergarten, ELC and School Employees
This session aims to ensure that all participants feel informed and suitably equipped to respond appropriately in a situation where a child may disclose abuse.
Topics covered include:
- Protective Behaviours education
- Grooming
- Stages of grooming
- Sexual Abuse
- Consequences of child sexual abuse
- Child sexualised behaviours – Normal v’s Concerning workshop
- Responding to a disclosure workshop
Protective Behaviours in the Classroom
1 hr PD for Kindergarten, ELC and School Teachers/Educators
This session gives participants an overview of the KidsROAR program content and how continuous reinforcement of the Protective Behaviours Themes can reduce vulnerability to abuse. Strategies learned by the children during the KidsROAR sessions become embedded behaviour when reinforced over a period of time.
Topics covered include:
- Protective Behaviours education
- Statistics on abuse
- Information on offenders and grooming
- KidsROAR session content
- How to overcome Parent/Carer resistance to teaching Protective Behaviours
Personal Safety and Abuse Prevention for Older People
90 min PD for Residential Aged Care, Community Nurses and In-Home Care Employees
Empowering older people to protect their own personal safety is critical in reducing their vulnerability to abuse. This program supports and educates employees on the key aspects of the Protective Behaviours Themes and how they can support an older person to protect their own personal safety.
Topics covered include:
- Protective Behaviours Themes
- Types of abuse
- Rights and Responsibilities of an older person
- Importance of Speaking Up
- Establishing a Personal Safety Network
- Consent and Respect
- Reporting
Mental Health First Aid Courses
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches participants how to assist people who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing problem or in a mental health crisis, until professional help is received or the crisis resolves.

Did you Know?
- 1 in 7 children under 17 experience mental health problem each year (Australian Govt 2015)
- 35% of Residents within Residential Aged Care experience depression (Australian Govt 2015)
- Males aged over 85 had the highest age specific suicide rate in 2017
(ABS 2018) - There are currently no mandatory reporting requirements throughout Australia for Elder Abuse that is occurring in the community setting.
- By 2025 it is estimated that Elder Abuse will be costing the health system over $350 million a year.
(AIFS 2016) - 82.8% of abuse on Elders is either Financial or Psychological abuse
(AIFS 2016) - 1 in 10 Teenagers reported they have engaged in self harm
(ABS 2016)
- Standard – 12-hour course for adults assisting other adults
- Youth – 14-hour course for adults assisting young people
- Teen – 3 classroom-based sessions for adolescents assisting their peers
- Older Person – 12-hour course for adults assisting a person aged over 65
ROAR Australia team members are accredited Mental Health First Aid Australia Instructors.